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Št. zadetkov: 8
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: mikrobiologija;humano blato;klasifikacija;metabolomika;
Past studies strongly connected stool consistency—as measured by Bristol Stool Scale (BSS)—with microbial gene richness and intestinal inflammation, colonic transit time and metabolome characteristics that are of clinical relevance in numerous gastro intestinal conditions. While retention time, defe ...
Leto: 2021 Vir: Biotehniška fakulteta (UL BF)
Kratki znanstveni prispevek
Oznake: mikrobiologija;genetika;bioinformatika;MAGO;
Microbial species play important roles in different environments and the production of high-quality genomes from metagenome data sets represents a major obstacle to understanding their ecological and evolutionary dynamics. Metagenome-Assembled Genomes Orchestra (MAGO) is a computational framework th ...
Leto: 2020 Vir: Fakulteta za elektrotehniko (UL FE)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: mikrobiologija;bakterije;genetika;biokemija;baze podatkov;GUMPP;
General Unified Microbiome Profiling Pipeline (GUMPP) was developed for large scale, streamlined and reproducible analysis of bacterial 16S rRNA data and prediction of microbial metagenomes, enzymatic reactions and metabolic pathways from amplicon data. GUMPP workflow introduces reproducible data an ...
Leto: 2021 Vir: Biotehniška fakulteta (UL BF)
Magistrsko delo
Oznake: anaerobna razgradnja;bioplin;sirotka;optimizacija;fizikalno-kemijski parametri;test BMP;metan;alkaliteta;mikroelementi;NM-MDS;
Z avtomatskim sistemom za merjenje metanskega potenciala (AMPTS II) smo izvedli faktorialni semikontinuirani test biometanskega potenciala anaerobne korazgradnje primarnega blata (PB), sirotke (S) in kravje gnojevke (KG) (68 dni, 38 °C). Uporabili smo štiri različne kombinacije substratov pri različ ...
Leto: 2018 Vir: Biotehniška fakulteta (UL BF)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: mišična atrofija hrbtenice;Nusinersenova terapija;zdrava nadzorna kohorta;spinal musular atrophy;Nusinersen therapy;healthy control cohort;
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetically heterogeneous group of rare neuromuscular diseases and was until recently the most common genetic cause of death in children. The effects of 2-month nusinersen therapy on urine, serum, and liquor 1H-NMR metabolomes in SMA males and females were not expl ...
Leto: 2021 Vir: Biotehniška fakulteta (UL BF)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
In this study, crude glycerol from the biodiesel industry was tested as a co-substrate in biogas production. To investigate the influence of crude glycerol and the underlying trace element (TE) content on the efficiency of biomethane production, a batch experiment using Automatic Methane Potential T ...
Leto: 2021 Vir: Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo (UL FGG)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: biokemija;metabolomika;prezgodnje rojstvo;odrasli moški;biomarkerji;
Preterm birth (before 37 weeks gestation) accounts for ~10% of births worldwide and remains one of the leading causes of death in children under 5 years of age. Preterm born adults have been consistently shown to be at an increased risk for chronic disorders including cardiovascular, endocrine/me ...
Leto: 2022 Vir: Biotehniška fakulteta (UL BF)
Kratki znanstveni prispevek
Oznake: integrativna biologija;znanost o živalih;sistemska znanost;izobraževanje;visoko šolstvo;Slovenija;
In this perspective analysis, we strive to answer the following question: how can we advance integrative biology research in the 21st century with lessons from animal science? At the University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Animal Science, we share here our three lessons learned ...
Leto: 2022 Vir: Biotehniška fakulteta (UL BF)
Št. zadetkov: 8
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