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Št. zadetkov: 40
Objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci
Oznake: literacy;preschool education;project method;didactic tablets;anatomicaly designed pen;sound picture book;
Project learning of model PUD-BJ
Leto: 2010 Vir: Pedagoška fakulteta (UP PEF)
Prispevek na konferenci brez natisa
Oznake: literacy;preschool period;letters patent;
Leto: 2013 Vir: Repozitorij Univerze na Primorskem (RUP)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: internal oxidation;chemical composition;silver alloys;
The aim of this research was to analyse the inhibition of internal passivation by changing the chemical composition of silver alloys and to estimate the concentration boundaries of the selected microalloying element at which the passivation is still inhibited. Since, the ability of inocculationor mo ...
Leto: 2012 Vir: Pedagoška fakulteta (UP PEF)
Objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci
Efficiency research of project teaching work "From the idea to the product" by technical creativity in school curriculum
Leto: 2000 Vir: Pedagoška fakulteta (UL PEF)
Objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci
Oznake: tehnika;igrače;reciklirani materiali;toys;better future;recycling materials;
Multicultural project-better future with recycling materials
Leto: 2012 Vir: Pedagoška fakulteta (UP PEF)
Objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci
Oznake: tehnika;multimedia;tehnični pouk;technical education;long lasting knowledge;
Research of efficiency of use of multimedia in the technical education
Leto: 2012 Vir: Pedagoška fakulteta (UP PEF)
Objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci
Oznake: medicina;didaktični pripomočki;pisava;možganska kap;medicine;didactical instruments;handwriting style;stroke;
Applicability didactical instruments PUD-BJ in improving individual's handwriting style in medical purposes during the rehabilitation of individuals after the stroke
Leto: 2012 Vir: Pedagoška fakulteta (UP PEF)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: shape memory alloys;martensite trnsformation;
330a The aim of this work was to analyse the mechanisms of hindered internal passivation of silver based alloys which was obtained by the modification of basic chemical composition. A generalisation of the phenomenon, experimental verification and the estimated range of micro-element concentration i ...
Leto: 2013 Vir: Pedagoška fakulteta (UP PEF)
Objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci
Oznake: predšolska vzgoja;opismenjevanje;pomoč staršev;pripomočki;preschool period;literacy;parents;instruments;
Without parents towards successful initial literacy in preschool period with the help of instruments protected by letters patent
Leto: 2012 Vir: Pedagoška fakulteta (UP PEF)
Diplomsko delo
Oznake: projektno učno delo;tehniški dnevi;dnevi dejavnosti;pust;pustne maske;
Drugačna pot do znanja v obliki projektnega učnega dela ob tehniških dnevih
Leto: 2013 Vir: Pedagoška fakulteta (UP PEF)
Št. zadetkov: 40
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